A short time after a narrow escape from the Amazonian camp, and the tyrant, Syrian Muhammad Top, Hawke finds himself enlisted by the British intelligence agency to both discuss his perspective on the threat posed by Top and his organization and also to head up a mission to disrupt Top's plans. Top is the leader of a secret military organization, supported by Islamic militants, whose intent is to combine with Latin American rebels to both incite violence against and war with the United States, as well as to strike fatal blows at strategic locations in the US. An important component of the strategy, especially of the Mexican government, is requonquista, retaking the lands lost to the United States in previous centuries through recolonizing them, with both legal and illegal border crossings. This silent army will rise up and join with Mexican forces when the time is right to reclaim territory for Mexico.
It is up to Hawke to travel up the Amazon, in his heavily armed and custom-built cruise ship, to take out Top's jungle fortress before the attack can occur. Along with Stokley, his trusted side-kick and deputy, and his friend Inspector Congreve, as well as a group of international mercenaries, Thunder and Lightning, Hawke heads right into enemy territory, encountering UAV drones as well as unmanned tanks that defend Top's headquarters. They must hurry to cut the head off of the snake before the plans come to fruition, in a huge remotely controlled attack centered on Washington DC at the time of the inauguration of the President.
Bell stirs up quite a brew, playing off a number of issues current in the news, especially immigration and Islamic terrorism, and striving to combine them into one super plot. It makes for a novel with a lot of bad guys, but it certainly strains the realm of plausibility. And not only that, it certainly implants nefarious motives and plays off fears with regard to immigration.
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