Monday, June 01, 2009

Robert Whitlow, Higher Hope

Robert Whitlow, Higher Hope, Tides of Truth, Book 2 (Thomas Nelson, 2009). Thanks to Thomas Nelson for the review copy.

Tami Taylor, a law clerk in a Savannah firm, finds herself in the middle of a libel case involving a bold and outspoken preacher who claims prophetic abilities. The case, and her relationships at the firm, cause her to reflect on her own strict conservative upbringing and about the role her faith plays in a legal setting. Whitlow has crafted an interesting character study about the struggle between past and future, faith and life. Tami is forced to evaluate what she thinks is true about God and about how she should follow God. Though it slows down at points, and dwells too much on the competition of two lawyers for Tami's affections, the story still draws you in. The legal portion of the book sometimes gets lost amid the other story lines, but it still forms the backbone of the action. In all, it is worth a read.

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